Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hello from Haiti

Hi, everyone! We arrived to Port au Prince yesterday afternoon after two easy flights from Nashville. Our only issue was with immigration after our arrival. We had no clue where were staying - at least not the street address - and that blank space on our immigration form earned us a trip to the boss's office. When the door to his small office opened, about eight people spilled out. It didn't take long to figure out why. The blast of cool air and the TV tuned in to the World Cup garnered quite a crowd! We tried to explain that although we know where we are going, we don't know exactly where. When the official finally asked, "Missionary?", we smiled and said yes. Close enough! And that became our address: missionary. 

We are staying at a home that is used to house the medical teams that serve one of the clinics here. It is the same house where Pete stayed in February.  Our meals are cooked for us and we have plenty of clean water, working bathrooms, and a comfortable place to sleep. The staff that works in the home (they cook,clean, and provide security) is wonderful. The doors and windows always remain open and we have numerous fans. The bugs aren't too bad and although it is hot, we can tolerate it fine.

This morning we rode through the community that is served by the people with whom we are visiting. This community, Pernier, is part of Port au Prince. The church and clinic operated by our hosts are here. The community, by American standards, is poor. Here, it is considered "middle-class." The roads are narrow, usually not paved, full of potholes, and if you drive, it is every man for himself.  People sit along the roadside on walls. There are street vendors everywhere -- selling sugar cane, food and drinks, mosquito nets, medicines, you name it. Just as many people are wandering the streets. They estimate unemployment to be at least 85%, so that explains the numbers of people milling about and trying to earn a living on the street. There are numerous buildings, many that house shops, but most are closed. Alleyways off the street appear to lead to numerous homes. They are concrete, cinder block, often falling apart, one room, and one after another.

This afternoon we will talk with the pastor of the church that runs the clinic. Later this week we will visit an orphanage, we will travel downtown where the quake damage is, and we will work a day in the clinic. I think Eddie and I have to learn a little nursing! At the clinic, we hope to meet the husband of one of the Haitian women who recently stayed with us. Finally, the church would like to build a Christian school, and we'll look at some potential sites for the school. It should be an amazing week. We miss our kids a TON, but all in all, we just know it is God's will for us to be here. We are very content.

Thank you all for your prayers. An enormous THANK YOU to the family and friends watching over our kids. We could not be here without you.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Joy and Great Food

Our kitchen will never be the same. Since our new Haitian friends arrived on Saturday, Guerda has taught me a thing or two about cooking.  She made for us: trout (head and all, by the way) and chicken, both cooked in sauce that you want to lick from your plate; rice and beans with black bean sauce; butter cake; sweet potato bread (like a bread pudding) with grated coconut, lime, sugar and spices; potatoes and cooking bananas (the green ones) with meatballs; and more. She can cook anything and do it well. We anticipated that Bertha would be on a liquid diet given her tumor but, that is not the case. She eats everything. You can imagine our surprise on the first night when Guerda took a full plate of food upstairs for her, and a clean plate returned a few minutes later. Her nutrition is good; the strength it gives her will allow her to better tolerate the surgery.  Bondye bon....God is good.

We spent yesterday at Vanderbilt for Bertha's initial appointment. Kari, the nurse who saw Bertha in Haiti then took on the US government to plead her case and obtain her humanitarian visa, drove from Knoxville to join us. It was a joy to witness their reunion. Bertha had a CT scan followed by a visit with Dr. Netterville, the surgeon. She negotiated the IV, the CT scanner, and the doctor's exam with ease. She does not speak English but, between the wonderful care of the Vanderbilt staff and Guerda's explanation of what was happening, the language barrier meant nothing. She was, in Guerda's words, "Relax!" Dr. Netterville, a distinguished head and neck surgeon, is a man with a heart of gold. He is an outstanding physician who embraces the opportunity to serve those less fortunate.  He and Vanderbilt are offering their services free of cost. We will tell them as often as possible: thank you.

Over the past week, bits and pieces of the women's story have surfaced: the story about Bertha's tumor, her quest to find someone who could help, the prayers and dreams of Guerda, and, once they heard the news about coming to the US, the difficult road to obtain a passport from their own country. That last one doesn't make sense, but such is the state of affairs of Haiti. For comic relief, there is the tale of their trip to the US. Guerda told this story to us yesterday while we waited at the hospital. I understood a lot of it (she speaks with me in French), but I didn't need to. Her facial expressions, her gestures - they told the story. We were rolling with laughter by the end.

Many thanks for everyone's prayers and offers to help. Bondye bon!

Friday, June 11, 2010

God's in control.....remain flexible

Pete just called from the airport to tell me that Bertha and her daughter-in-law did not clear customs in time to make their connecting flight. He spoke with the agent and found out that they are booked on a flight in the morning. We do not know their overnight arrangements. Please pray that they remain safe.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bertha arrives Friday!

Bertha (see previous posts), the Haitian woman in need of life-saving surgery, is set to arrive in Nashville on Friday night, June 11th, in preparation for surgery at Vanderbilt. Bertha was seen by the group of physicians with whom Pete traveled during his February trip. She has a mass on her jaw that prohibits her from eating solid food and it may soon obstruct her airway.

We expect Bertha to be here 4-6 weeks. We have one host family but are in need of others. If you are interested in hosting Bertha and her daughter-in-law, the time frame is flexible and funds are available to alleviate some of the cost. We anticipate other needs as well. Following is a complete list.  If you are interested in helping, please contact me at susantcobb@comcast.net.

1) Host family (period of time is flexible; funds available to alleviate some of the cost associated with this)
2) Meals for Bertha and her daughter-in-law
3) Rides to hospital for doctor's visits (pre-op and post-op)
4) Volunteers to visit with them at host home

At this point we will compile a list of volunteers. Once the surgery is scheduled and we can better determine dates/times, I will be back in touch with you.

Thank you so much for your help. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Great News!

She is coming! 

Many of you may be familiar with the story of Bertha, a woman treated in Haiti by the physicians and nurses with whom Pete traveled. Bertha is in need of life-saving surgery. She has a mandibular (on her jaw) mass that is obstructing her airway. The team that treated her realized immediately the severity of her situation and committed to bring Bertha to the US for surgery.  One of the team's nurses, Kari Smith of Knoxville, became Bertha's advocate and has worked tirelessly since returning from Haiti to make this happen. 

One major hurdle in getting Bertha here has been obtaining permission from the US government for her visit. You can imagine the paperwork involved and, of course, the waiting, but Bertha's paperwork was submitted last week and was approved within days!  Bertha has been granted Humanitarian Parole, her sister has also been approved for travel, and they will arrive in Nashville soon to begin preparation for surgery. Dr. James Netterville, a Vanderbilt physician, has graciously offered to perform the surgery.  Vanderbilt Medical Center will cover the cost of her hospital stay. Pretty amazing. 

For more on the Bertha story, head over to Kari's blog.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Presentation at Smyrna First United Methodist

Many of you have asked about seeing Pete's pictures and hearing about his trip to Haiti. You are welcome to attend his presentation at Smyrna First United Methodist Church tomorrow night (3/22) at 7 p.m. The meeting will take place in the Fellowship Hall located in the rear of the church, off Sam Davis Road .  
Many thanks to Smyrna First Methodist for this opportunity!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Haiti Update 7

We want to share Pete's journal entries from his final two days in Haiti.  As I sit and read his entries, my heart and mind are immersed in the reality that is Haiti. It is a sobering reminder that my "concerns" are not all that concerning.  It is the blessing of perspective.

From Pete:
" My second to last day on the island of Haiti, at least for some period. It has been an incredible experience, thanks to God, and He has opened new doors for me.  This all started a few weeks ago when I reached out to Him and he answered. He simply confirmed how faithful He is. I love God and who He is. I am glad He is my God. For this trip He deserves all the credit. As the roosters awaken and I stare across the mountains and valley, I reflect upon the week:

- God is a glorious God, full of grace and true to His promises
- I am deficient in my knowledge of the Bible and must spend more time in it
- Quiet time should be done daily. It gives clarity to the day and heightens your relationship with God
- This country is both devastated and devastatingly beautiful
- My kids are very special and I hope one day they are able to see something like this. With God's grace, we must prepare them with the desire, strength, knowledge and spirit to love the Lord so that one day they can travel and care for the sheep (Matthew 25). I think God has provided in them a servant's heart.
-It is never appropriate to ask God why. Only "As is your will." How do I fit into this, being your will.
- This country is in so much pain yet they awaken with a spirit and determination that is awesome. When will be the next time I have a bad day?
-I will never again criticize an American pot hole.
-Our group here has made all the difference for me. Each man and woman with strengths and weaknesses, but each on the same page of life. This was not about taking pictures or exploitation but love and service. Bill Broome, Bill Ramsey, Keri, Kaye, Will, Orville, Chris - each will be in my heart.
- Myriam and Alexander. Two translators who captured my heart. I hope to see you both again. I know  will. I love you both.
- Why is it that your perspective of a leveled building with bodies littering the rubble changes in the period of one week?
- The house we stayed in was awesome. Allowed us to come home and recharge our batteries. The days were taxing and rest was critical. Thank you to the house staff - they took great care of us.
- Chadasha has it right. A lesson for all medical mission trips. Where the logistics allow it: take good care of the doctors and nurses where they have a safe place to eat, rest, and pray. Work closely with the natives and empower them to be the leaders. Find a Christ following church and couple with them to establish medical care. Mission medical teams are transient but churches are permanent and life-altering.
- I am eternally grateful to my office staff tha had the love and patience with me as I embarked on this trip. I love them very much.
-Anne made me cry.
-My job is to come here then tell their story. This is important because as the cameras leave, the destruction will remain. I will not forget Haiti. I will serve her and her people. It is also another way to show God's love and grace and to show obedience to Him.
-I know now how it feels to look into the eyes of three children who just lost their mother and father
- The devastation will come again. Soon. When it rains. The only thing worse than poverty is wet poverty.  God have mercy on them! Where are the tents?
- I pray for a government that one day loves its people.
- I will listen more to God and less to my creatures of comfort.
- I did help some Haitians, but it is only through God's grace.
- I now know what Nascar driving feels like.
- I felt a 4.7 aftershock.
- Pastor Jude and Yannick have followed God's command and are making an eternal difference.
- As I prepare to say goodbye to Haiti I say this:
       Thank you for what you have taught me
       I promise to come back
       I will tell your story
       I will never forget. "

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Haiti Slideshow

Following is the link to the video of Pete's pictures from Port-au-Prince.  Thank you for watching. Please
keep the Haitian people in your prayers.


Monday, March 01, 2010

Haiti Pictures

The first of many pictures.

Aftermath of the earthquake:
The Presidential Palace. Click on photo to see extent of damage.

A home.

Devastated church.

Homes on top of homes.

With patients:

This is one of the team's physicians, Bill, with Baby Christelle and sisters. Christelle was born on the streets of Port-au-Prince the day of the earthquake.

Pete with a young girl with cerebral palsy. Her mother had been carrying her around since she was a baby and did not know what her daughter suffered from. The day she and her family arrived to the clinic, a shipment of wheelchairs did too. From Mexico.    

Pete with Myriam. She works as a translator and would like to come to the United States to go to school.

The team.

Many more to follow.

A Safe Return Home

A brief update: Pete arrived home from Port-au-Prince late Friday night. We will post the journal entries from his last two days as well as a number of pictures. Hopefully that will take place tonight. :)

Thank you for your prayers during the trip. I also appreciate the numerous kind messages received in support of his journey. We are blessed to have friends and family like you!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Haiti Update 6

View from home where team stays
At church

I received the following email yesterday. I hope to get another one this morning and if I do I will pass it along but, last night the internet connection dropped. It also has been difficult for Pete to email many pictures because of the slow connection. We will post his pictures once he returns.

I have been here almost a week, and as I pass by the rubble I notice it even less. This is concerning. I don't like it. I will try to refocus today on the destruction.

The theme of the day yesterday was relationships. Lasting relationships.. Relationships formed with other team members and translators.

A relationship was formed with a Haitian who has been working in Boston. He is moving up the managerial ladder at HUD. He came down to Haiti to check in on his mother and nine siblings. All are safe. Yet his flight was a week away and he had a burning desire to help his people, so he walked into the ER I was running. "Do you need help? I just want to help. I will be available for the next five days." I told him that the translators make, if the funds are available, five dollars a day, which is quite good in Haiti. He didn't want money, only the chance to make a difference in his home country. Rarely do you run into acts of true altruism - but this is about as close as I have witnessed. We stood by each other for the ensuing three days, laughing(mostly at my Creole and him passing out at the sight of blood), crying, supporting, entrusting. I will never forget him; he served without accolades, newspaper articles, awards or even the thanks from the patients. He served because he loves his people, all people. He taught me a lot about true service. I will never forget his friendship. Alexander has impacted my life and brought me closer to my God.

Today we work a half day in the clinic and then we go out into the city for a first-hand account of the destruction. I will bring back pictures for all to see. I will try to tell their story. I love Haiti and my heart bleeds.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Haiti Update 5

Tuesday in Port-au-Prince. God's timing is perfect, as usual:

Sak Paze?
This means "what's up" in creole.

Two dollars and a plate of beans:

Yesterday was a little less chaotic which allowed me to stand back and observe more and soak in the stories. God provides these stories in our lives but we are often too busy to enjoy them. Is this the will of God?

Nearly the minute I got into triage, an elderly man came to me in respiratory distress. Obviously uncomfortable, and barely able to breath on his own, we attended to him immediately. His oxygen level was 80%, very low, near intubation low if the trend worsened. Yet his lungs were clear. No swelling. No chest pain. Heart rate in the low 100's - not too concerning. What was wrong with this guy? Finger stick -180 after he had a coffee with sugar in it, so not suggestive of diabetic ketoacidosis. What was wrong with this guy? Gave him oxygen, our one source of oxygen, and he did not respond as we would have liked. Labs showed no evidence of infection or anemia. He had no chest pain, no wheezing. Did he have a pulmonary embolism? I felt helpless and at a loss. He had to be transferred to a higher level of care. We didn't even have Xray running at the time. Yet the family had no money and the patient could not even walk fifty feet without laboring severely. I had two American dollars in my pocket and asked my translator to flag down a taxi for me. We went into the street and the very first car was a taxi. "How much to transport one patient and his two family members to general hospital?" He told us three dollars. I told him I would give him two dollars. He said "no, three dollars." Remembering that I had not yet eaten lunch, a large, tasty plate of rice and beans, I asked "how about two american dollars and a large plate of rice and beans?" Deal! This thin cab driver, before we could get the patient in the car with an IV still in his arm, had inhaled my lunch and had the greatest grin on his face. This is the story of two dollars and a plate of rice and beans. He willingly transferred my patient to general hospital, where hopefully my patient was afforded the proper medical care. I prayed for him this morning as well as the taxi driver - one very sick, the other very hungry. God bless them both.

Timing is everything:

I was asked to evaluate a girl who was carried in by her mom. The child couldn't walk. Mom had been carrying this child around for four years and wanted to know what was wrong with her. It was quickly evident that she suffered from cerebral palsy with mental retardation. Not a good prognosis, especially in light of the current conditions of the country. She needed a wheelchair and physical therapy at least for the family to be able to move on to some kind of normalcy. You could tell that mom was tired and at a loss for what to do. But as God has shown me over and over again, He provides the timing for incredible things. As she was waiting for the physical therapist to evaluate her, we received an enormous shipment of materials from Mexico - unannounced. I walked back behind the hospital where the supplies were being inventoried when I saw a row of 10 new wheelchairs. Wow. "Who do I ask if I can have a wheelchair for this girl?" In my brief tenure, I had been given the authority to make such decisions, and this one was easy. Wheeling this little girl out to her car, where her father was waiting, placing her in the car and folding the wheelchair so that it just barely fit into the trunk of this tiny car is a moment I will hold on to forever. They drove away with huge smiles on their face. Timing is everything. Thank you Mexico for giving this child a chance at independence and giving a mother rest for her back.

Brief observations
The ride home is a dichotomy of extreme poverty with the background of beautiful green mountains
People seem to know that we are here for them and thus treat us with that respect.
All my translators want me to sponsor them in the US to study - they know this is a way out. I think I might. Her name is Myriam.
Slowly people at the hospital are improving. This is good.

Wow........God is SO good! Thank you for your prayers. 

Haiti Update 4

I continue to be amazed at God's work in Haiti. I expected to hear about the poverty, the sickness, and the devastation. One only need to turn on the news to see this reality. It would be easy to consider these and surmise that there is no hope. But we are blessed.  We have the opportunity to hear stories that news anchors may see, but do not report from the perspective of one who expects God to show up. We do expect Him. And when we look at the details of the tiny miracles that occur each day, we know it could be only Him.

Pete's email about Monday. :

Two aftershocks in the middle of the night. Makes you wonder if the big quake will come again. I awakened to the same roosters and dogs and our Haitian housemates sleeping outside in the yard. Who can blame them?

How can a small town family doc from Smyrna, TN find himself essentially in charge of a hospital with an ER and tent city full of patients? Yesterday, by God's ordination, I was the only MD running the ER and the inpatients. We had an outstanding anesthesiologist and plastic surgeon inside, willing and capable, but their work was largely dependent on what we sent them from the outside. When I arrived a completely unresponsive man and an MVA with chest trauma were there waiting for me..... we hit the ground running. It is such a fluid situation. There is no certainty that anyone will show up to see the patients. Their lives hang on the thread of a few volunteers showing up that day. The Mexican navy has been here to help but they took two days off without telling anyone.

Through it all the people of Haiti continue to teach me patience. They are a rich people, expressive, thoughtful. But some of that has eroded into fatigue, doubt, skepticism.
I love caring for Haitians. In many ways I feel closer to these people than many of my own. You must feel them, listen to them, touch them to learn of their pain. We cannot simply whisk them off to the CT scanner or MRI because we don't have them. Often we are without xray. It is just me, the patient, a stethoscope and a story. Perfect but imperfect. It has taught me that in America we have lost the "touch" between doctor and patient.

A nurse came running into the ER yesterday and told me a little boy was crying in a tent, in excruciating pain. When I got there it was a seven year old boy who had a femur fracture with complete displacement. The only problem was that it had not yet been set and he had been off pain meds for more than a day. It made me think of my son who had the same injury when he was that age. Imagine if Buzz was unable to have pain meds and the pain he would have had to endure. But this child is my son, and it breaks my heart. He got pain meds and got near instant relief. He will get surgery today. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Haiti Update, #3

I received this email yesterday morning. Amazing stories. I imagine there are many more. If only these people had a voice.  We must do our best to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."                        Proverbs 31:8                                                                                                      

Standing on the roof of the hospital with the USS Comfort in background.
I awaken today to the sound of roosters and barking dogs, and O yeah, a strong aftershock. I can see why Haitians would be tentative about going back into their homes.
We awakened yesterday to squash soup, the normal Sunday fare - delicious. Onward to church where we witnessed the most energetic service. They seem very authentic in their love for the Lord.
As the service ended, most of the Haitians wanted to touch our hands. One of the last families was a mom and her three young children. The youngest child was Christelle. Mom then told us that the baby was born on the streets of PAP the day of the earthquake. She named her daughter Christelle because it means "Jesus is here."

Even through all the devastation, the people believe that God is faithful and He is here.

Haiti Update, #2

Dear friends, we are so grateful for your support. I have passed along your thoughts and prayers to Pete and I know he and his teammates are appreciative.

The past 24 or so hours brought several measurable aftershocks to Haiti. In the early morning hours of yesterday and today, Pete was awakened by trembling. According to the US Geological Survey both  quakes registered 4.7. It was enough to make everyone spring from bed, and their Haitian roommates chose to spend the remainder of the night's sleep in the yard. I cannot imagine the fear they must feel with each tremor.

I have two days' of emails to share with you; I will post each separately. As you read Pete's comments, please do not take offense to the things he is beginning to question. I think it is natural for most who visit a third-world country to return with an altered perspective on their own life. We will be the first in line of those who may choose to do things differently.  From Sunday:

You can't come here and return to the lives we lead and be satisfied with the status quo. Putting a premium on material items, winning ball games, treating as many people through the day as possible, planning for retirement; these are concepts that don't exist here and it is a relief to leave them behind. We are focused on helping people here find their next meal, next pain medicine, next house. Each one is looking for God, looking for Him to deliver a sliver of promise and hope to them. God is faithful. He is showing himself and it is a joy to be a part of that.
Random thoughts:
I wonder if my 78 year old woman is still alive?
If she dies I wonder where her daughter will go and where her next meal will come from?
We go to Church today. Without speaking the language this service will have profound impact. Something will be different. God is wonderful in how many ways he shows His face.
Being down here I have met some incredible people, people who have given up everything at home to help the Haitians. Selfless is the word that comes to mind. People that want to and DO make a difference. So many times I have wanted to make a difference but didn't have the courage. Nelson my interpreter, Martin pharmD - Godly people.

The 78 year old woman was a patient of Pete's at the hospital.  Hospital admission guarantees a place for mother and daughter to sleep. Each receives one meal a day. When the mother dies her bed will go to the next patient, and the daughter must leave. She has no home, no family. Where will she go?  It is a problem faced by many.

I leave you with a picture of a precious baby girl who was treated in the clinic for scabies.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Haiti Trip Update #1 -- Thank You, Smyrna!

My husband, Pete, left for Haiti last week with The Chadasha Foundation. He is working in both a clinic and a hospital alongside an incredible group of physicians and nurses, trying to make a small difference in a country with great need. Before he departed, he was overwhelmed with support from the community of Smyrna: the Rotary Club, StoneCrest, friends, his office staff, numerous pharmacies and medical equipment companies, even people whom he had never met (and more -- please tell me who I am leaving out. Pete has the list). Donations came in the form of money, supplies, and equipment. When I spoke to Pete earlier today, he asked that I let each of you know that your donations have made a significant impact already. Let me explain.

Saturday, the team went to work in a local hospital. These are Pete's comments about the hospital and its patients:

Today we embark for the local hospital. Thirteen bed hospital that has fifty plus patients, most of whom stay in tents on the outside. Post-op patients that are still trying to learn how to walk after amputations. No prosthesis, no handicap parking, no jobs, no house to go home to - they lost their families, most of them. Their homes fell on them. I will be looking at the pharmacy to see if they can use some of the drugs we brought in. They will be a blessing and relief, though be it a short one, to many patients.

This hospital has a working operating room. The operating room has not been able to serve patients because there was no available pain medicine. Today, thanks to the generosity of many of you, that operating room is working. Pete delivered to the hospital pharmacy the medicine you graciously provided and it allowed doctors to resume operations. Praise God for meeting this need and thank you, thank you for your part in His plan.

Following are excerpts from another email. They are simply his impressions after his first day.

We got off a plane yesterday that cost about the same as it would to provide clean water for the entire city for years.
The stars here are beautiful.
Just downstairs last night looking at the vast amounts of medicine that the people of Smyrna helped to provide. Incredible. Not one wasted penny. Hitting the streets running>>>>
Today we will likely see 200 people between the three of us - scabies, "everyone has worms", post-traumatic syndrome, abscesses, HTN, DM, just to name a few.......
Tap-taps are awesome. It is the local, colorful buses that the people ride. they are fuller than the halls at a titans game.They are tap-taps, because that is what you do when you want to get off the bus.
People urinating on the streets - there is nowhere else to go.
Why do I feel so sorry for the dogs down here. Their bones so prominent. Tell Lulu next time she complains how lucky she is.

And finally, this one after his first day in the clinic:

Most of the people I saw complained of "my stomach hurts", "I have anemia", "my child has a cold" and in general were not a sick as i thought they would be. Yet a couple were very sick. To the point that on Monday when I have follow up with them I dont know if they will be back. Ever. Didnt know what they had. Helpless feeling. How do you treat an 11 year old girl with a mass growing out of her temple and a fever of 104. You give her a shot of antibiotics and 4 pain pills and you pray you see her again. CT scan of the head and bloodwork sure would be nice right now.

My last patient of the day was a 70 year old man who has a chronic indwelling catheter. He came to us wanting surgery on his prostate. He cannot urinate if he takes the catheter out. We were able to arrange for him a ride to the local hospital to meet a urologist. He said that he had been praying six years for this moment and he was just rejoicing in how faithful God is. Wow. Haitians are a patient people. I have already learned a lot from them and I know they will teach me a ton more.

The gentlemen in the top photo with Pete will be riding to the urologist tomorrow. I pray he finds the answers he needs.

More photos:
Remains of church. Notice beautiful arches inside.

Beautiful young girl with her father. She is an amputee. Pete got to hang out with her and her dad for awhile and he fell in love with her smile. He made up for the scary, bald/goatee look by giving her candy and a bracelet. :)

I will post more as I receive it. Thank you to the many who continue to pray for this trip and for, most importantly, the Haitian people.